Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Merry Christmas card 2021


The Johnson family started 2021 with 4 COVID cases and is ending it with five fully vaccinated members! We are deeply grateful for this full circle. We took advantage of the flexibility of remote schooling and Adam's work with as many trips and getaways as we could fit in and even managed to extend our yearly New England visit to a full month as we added a special all-Hendrickson trip to enjoy limited, precious time together. Anna (11, grade 5) and Etta (7, grade 2) are thrilled to be back to in-person school this year and Thea (5) started Kindergarten this fall! They've all adapted well to the significant changes, but mom and dad have taken longer to get used to all the quiet after 18 months of being together 24/7. Adam has spent his time doing home projects (adding plumbing to his repertoire), and Sheri is allowing herself space to process and prioritize while taking on some interior design consulting work. We've welcomed the busy-ness of this slightly more normal fall with all the sports (so much soccer!), church, small group, Girl Scouts etc returning to in-person (albeit masked).

Joy and laughter fills our days, even as we struggle through some of our hardest times. Our People have shown us what it looks like to love well simply by showing up for us, and we are profoundly grateful for each of them, for you.

May peace, goodwill with all abide this Holy Christmastide,

Sheri, Adam, Anna, Etta & Thea