This post is a long time coming. I've written and rewritten it in my head so many times, so many nights. I can't find the right words. There are no good words. Only the worst word: cancer.
My mom has cancer.
It's a rare, slow-moving and incurable cancer. Carcinoid. It originated in her 'mid-gut' and has since spread to her liver. The tumours make her violently ill with severe stomach cramps and vomitting. She has been to the Emergency Room a dozen times since the beginning of March. She will be having surgery to remove half her liver, a chunk of her intestines and who knows what else sometime in the next couple months. She has been told that they can never get all the cancer. She has been told that they have made more advances in treating these neuroendocrine cancers in the last three years than in the twenty before that. She has been told that she can reasonably expect 10 good years.
My mom has cancer.
We are still reeling. NOT. MY. MOM.
And we hope.
So we pray. We pray for a miracle of healing. We pray for a tremendously successful surgery. We pray for a cure. We pray for strength and peace and courage for her and for dad. We pray for many, many more years together. We pray for hope. We pray for peace. We pray for peace. We pray for peace.
My mom has cancer.
Please pray for healing.
Please pray for peace.
Oh, Sheri! I had no idea! Praying hard for your mom's comfort and for advances in medicine to relieve you all of this. Cancer sucks!
Thanks for this post Sheri. Eric and I pray for you and your parents every night. We know what you're going through, in a different way, but still cancer, still grief, still processing something that will almost always be surreal. Praying for peace and healing in so many ways. Love you guys so much.
Oh Sheri! I am so sorry! I am sitting here with tear-filled eyes remembering this pain and these prayers for my mom four years ago. I will be lifting your mom up in prayer along with all of you. Praying for peace and healing.
Love you, Sheri.
So well written. So sorry you had occasion to write it. I love you and am praying with you....
Sheri - You all are in my prayers. As are your mother's doctors and surgeons.
I love you Sheri - even though we haven't seen each other or spoken in too long of a time, I'm still here thinking of you and praying for you. May God give you peace in this time of confusion and pain, and may you know how many people care for you and love you.
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